Late For Dinner

"Adventures...Make you late for dinner." -- Bilbo Baggins

Featuring Thoughts and Images both Adventurous and Otherwise. Dealing mostly with those Occurences and Happenings which befall one Jordan Emmans, during his Sojourn in the Far East (South Korea, specifically). Giving no promise as to Quality or Frequency of posts. Expecting, however, great Diversity of Subject Matter. Hoping sincerely to Entertain and Enlighten those Readers who would care to glance herein. Or Something.

Location: Gwangju, South Korea

I'm a follower of Jesus and a guitarist/drummer/vocalist. I'm from Cool, CA, USA, and I've been in Korea since Jan. 27, 2006. Right now I'm giving teaching a try. Next year...who knows what I'll be doing. Life is an adventure!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas to You All

Saturday, December 22, 2007

An Impromtpu Rock Show

Last night The Jordan Emmans Band had a last-minute opportunity to rock Speakeasy, an opportunity at which we gladly jumped. There were a grand total of maybe ten people in the bar, but we had a good time regardless. We're playing there again this Sunday as part of a Holiday open mic.

Dave watches me intently, wondering, "What chord will he play next? And why is he playing a song which we've never practiced?" --

Dave SMILES! for the camera:

A moment of levity:

Singing, slightly out of focus:

(The CD is still in the works. It's getting there. I'll let you know when.)