Hi, I'm alive, yes I am. Allow me to apologize profusely for my long silence. My schedule is a little more sane this month, so I'm trying to catch up on my blogging. For starters, here's a peek inside the shoebox that is my aparment.
The kitchen, which is approximately 3' x 8':
My front door, closet, guitar:
Where I eat, read, and sleep:
Sometimes, when I want to waste time, I watch the black-colored contraption. Behind it you can see my clothes dryer. Behind that is the door to my utility closet:
Aaaand...here's the bathroom. Or what I call the water closet, since it's all in one: shower, toilet, sink. It's pretty typical of Korean residential restrooms, owing to the lack of space in this country. Economy of square centimeters, don't you know:
Anyway, so that's where I live. It's actually not bad. It faces south, so I get a lot of sunshine, and the decor is very bright and cheery. And because it faces south, my cooling bill is going to be astronomical, but what are you gonna do?
I just finished two months in sleep deprivation Hades, and am slowly starting to recover. I'm back to starting at 7:30 am, instead of 6:30, (still ending at 9 pm, unfortunately) and it's amazing what that one hour will do for you. This month I only have five classes instead of six, so that's also better. And I have a lot of material ready to go, so my planning time will be reduced. All in all, things are looking more upper. Oops. Been around non-native speakers too long :-) !
I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers, and I ask for more of them! You know the saying, "Wherever you go, there you are." Though I'm in Korea, I still struggle with the saaaame old junk that plagued me in the States. And there are new and exciting challenges, too. Right now I just want to be back to normal emotionally. I'm still in the post-vacation-mode blues, when it isn't really fun anymore, and my emotional state is a little fragile. I'm praying for a deep healing while I'm here. You know, a significant inner change. Hopefully that's in God's plan.
Well, thanks again, everybody. Don't be a stranger: leave me a comment!