Late For Dinner

"Adventures...Make you late for dinner." -- Bilbo Baggins

Featuring Thoughts and Images both Adventurous and Otherwise. Dealing mostly with those Occurences and Happenings which befall one Jordan Emmans, during his Sojourn in the Far East (South Korea, specifically). Giving no promise as to Quality or Frequency of posts. Expecting, however, great Diversity of Subject Matter. Hoping sincerely to Entertain and Enlighten those Readers who would care to glance herein. Or Something.

Location: Gwangju, South Korea

I'm a follower of Jesus and a guitarist/drummer/vocalist. I'm from Cool, CA, USA, and I've been in Korea since Jan. 27, 2006. Right now I'm giving teaching a try. Next year...who knows what I'll be doing. Life is an adventure!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Hotchkiss to Fruita

Western Colorado is something else...

...and it's taking it's toll. I'm pretty tired today, after having climbed Monarch Pass, ridden the toughest 20 miles in my life from Sapinero to Hotchkiss, and taken a very difficult scenic detour to the Colorado National Monuments, a fantastic series of redrock, sandstone canyons (see the pictures).

I'm going to take a day off tomorrow, then head north through Colorado for a bit to avoid riding on the interstate through Utah. Which, if I tried, would result in unwelcome police attention. So, north for a bit, then west again.

I know I've resorted to abbreviated posts lately, and I do apologize. I'll try to catch you all up on the highlights of my trip soon. Until then, peace unto you...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see you have a glow about you, a certain Southern tan. And where'd all that hair go? Did hoodlums cut it off during a slumber?

11:14 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

Yes, the sun will do that to you. The hair was cut way back in Florida, before I left. Short hair is much easier to deal with when out on the road.

...and who are you, by the way?

4:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Safe travels from the Jensen Welcome Center!!
Hope you had cooler weather and was able to make good time.
Great pictures.
Linda at the Utah Welcome Center

2:01 AM  
Blogger Kyle Ray said...


California has missed you and can't wait to hear of your travels.

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope all is well,we have been wondering how far u have made since july 7. We will keep checking in.
John@ Charleston
God Bless

2:38 AM  

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