Late For Dinner

"Adventures...Make you late for dinner." -- Bilbo Baggins

Featuring Thoughts and Images both Adventurous and Otherwise. Dealing mostly with those Occurences and Happenings which befall one Jordan Emmans, during his Sojourn in the Far East (South Korea, specifically). Giving no promise as to Quality or Frequency of posts. Expecting, however, great Diversity of Subject Matter. Hoping sincerely to Entertain and Enlighten those Readers who would care to glance herein. Or Something.

Location: Gwangju, South Korea

I'm a follower of Jesus and a guitarist/drummer/vocalist. I'm from Cool, CA, USA, and I've been in Korea since Jan. 27, 2006. Right now I'm giving teaching a try. Next year...who knows what I'll be doing. Life is an adventure!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Birthday Bash

Yes, I know it's been many moons since I've posted...and I regret to say, I don't have a good excuse. But, regardless, here at last are some pictures. It was my birthday last month, and we had a big party that was a rollicking good time. Around 30 or so people attended, mostly students of mine (mostly female...funny how that happened). First was dinner, then karaoke and drinks.

I didn't have my fancy camera, so these very poor quality pictures, taken on my cellphone camera, are all I have. Here's my coworker Eric and student Sei Hee trying to figure out her camera:

Taking a picture of Eric taking my picture (my student Do Hae is to the right of Sei Hee):

Very blurry, but that's Daniel and Dina, two of my other coworkers, singing U2's "With or Without You":

Fun times, until 3am. And now I'm 30...

My apologies for the blogging silence. I haven't really been inspired to blog; living in Korea is pretty normal for me now. Teaching is still going really well, I love my job most of the time, my students are great. The CD is getting very close to done. We're looking at finishing by January, which is exciting. I will, of course, let you know when that wonderful day comes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am so happy to see an update. I mean I loved looking at Cadence, she is a cutie, but it is great to hear what's going on with you. And you are old! Congrats on reaching your thirties!

9:37 AM  
Blogger Jordan said...

Hi Jaimey, thanks. Yes, I am officially of advanced age. It's a strange feeling, but a good one thus far.

10:00 PM  

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